Our society is continuing to evolve due to current circumstances surrounding social distancing and a changing global environment. Most citizens around the world are now working from home in various professions and functions. Multi-tasking is becoming the new norm. However, the multi-tasking of the past is also changing rapidly. Many of us are now faced with a new level of fast-paced responsibilities: which includes working, as well as educating and providing for both children and families. As work and home life merge together under one roof, it’s also very possible that stress levels are rising daily, amid new adjustments to our environment. While most of us know that we should maintain good posture throughout our “working day,” our abilities to proactively focus on our posture may be lacking or need a little help. In this blog post we recommend a few key quick-checks that you can do to maintain appropriate posture throughout the day – and stay accountable… for you!
Recommendation #1:
In order to deal with bad posture, you first must notice that it has changed. The body has multiple sensors that tell us when our position is changing, much like a GPS in our car. You may have noticed that when you disembark from a boat or ship that the ground starts shifting, giving you that “sea legs” feeling. After a while on land, this feeling goes away. This is a reflex determined by a communication between our eyes, our inner ear and our brain. When these sensors aren’t given the right information, our posture can suffer. There are many ways to notice your posture is suffering. One common way is the predominate shoulder slouch when your shoulders round and your middle back starts to flex forward. Another is taking a cue from your head when you’re leaning too far forward, similar to text neck. These subtle posture changes can cause your spine to adapt negatively and cause more neck and back pain simply from sitting improperly for too long. Noticing these changes in your posture and correcting them quickly is the first key.
Recommendation #2:
Proper posture is maintained by adapting your environment to meet your needs. While there are some rules to consider, the following checklist is a key to deciphering good posture:
1. Find a comfortable chair with a stable and firm backing to support your lower back.
2. Make sure you are sitting with your lower back and hips pressing against the back
of the seat.
3. Pull back your rounded shoulders until they are gently pinching, making a line
down the center of your middle back.
4. Look straight at your monitor, and pull your head back, to form a double chin.
5. Use wrist and arm supports, so that your fingers and hands are resting in a neutral
6. Take note of your wrists, be sure they are not extended or flexed- just lying on the
arm rest.
Reducing stress on our bodies is important and even more important to be self-aware of your posture during the time spent working from home. At our clinic, we ensure that ergonomic assessments are a part of every clinical exam: key to your overall health and wellness. If you are unable to come in to the office, but would like an ergonomic assessment of your posture and your work environment, have someone take a picture of you at your station and email it to us at Info@Drchristianchiropractic.Com. We’ll take a look and send you back any recommendations we have for improvements!
Chiropractors are recognized by the government as essential healthcare providers during this unprecedented time. We at Dr Christian’s Chiropractic are here to help you navigate the challenges, de-stress and maintain your health. Be well, stay safe, and Connect With Us if you have questions. We’re here for you.
Best wishes,
J. Christian Davies, D.C.
Dr. Christian’s Chiropractic